首页 励志语录 文学杂读 农贸分析

Trends and Exports of Garlic in India,Asian


Aims: The present study entitled “Trends and exports of garlic in India” was undertaken to know trend in area, production, productivity, export quantity, domestic and international prices and competitiveness of Indian garlic export in international markets. Study Design: Secondary data regarding area, production, productivity, export quantity, export value, domestic and international prices of garlic in India was collected from 1990-91 to 2019-20, which includes 30 years data. The period has been divided in to three periods i.e., period I (1990-91 to 2004-05), period II (2005-06 to 2019-20) and overall period (1990-91 to 2019-20). Place and Duration of Study: The information of the present study was obtained from secondary data. Data was pertained from the year 1990-91 to 2019-20. Methodology: Different functions were tried to study trend in area, production, productivity, export, domestic and international prices of garlic and the best fit was used to analyse the trend. The export competitiveness of garlic was measured by Nominal Protection Coefficient. Results: Area, production, productivity, export quantity, export value of garlic showed cubic trend indicating that the movement of all the series was uniform throughout India whereas unit value of export, domestic and international prices of garlic showed compound trend. The export competitiveness of garlic was measured by Nominal Protection Coefficient which concluded values for period I was 1.70, for period II was 1.60 and for overall period was 1.65 indicating non-competitiveness of Indian garlic in all the periods in international markets. Conclusion: The study was mostly based only on a secondary data collected from various published sources. Limitations inherent in the secondary data are inevitable. It is important to increase export share of garlic by taking appropriate efforts. Market support by Government is necessary to support the farmers from considerable fluctuation in price and motivating them to produce a quality garlic.



目的:本研究题为“印度大蒜的趋势和出口”,旨在了解印度大蒜出口在国际市场上的面积、产量、生产率、出口数量、国内和国际价格以及竞争力的趋势。研究设计:收集了1990-91年至2019-20年印度大蒜面积、产量、生产力、出口数量、出口值、国内和国际价格的二手数据,其中包括30年的数据。该时期分为三个时期,即第一时期(1990-91年至2004-05年)、第二时期(2005-06年至2019-20年)和整体时期(1990-91年至2019-20年)。研究地点和持续时间:本研究的信息来自二手数据。数据涉及 1990-91 年至 2019-20 年。方法:尝试不同的函数来研究大蒜的面积、产量、生产力、出口、国内和国际价格的趋势,并使用最佳拟合来分析趋势。大蒜的出口竞争力用名义保护系数来衡量。结果:大蒜的面积、产量、生产力、出口数量、出口金额呈立方趋势,表明印度各系列的变动是均匀的,而出口单位价值、国内和国际大蒜价格则呈复合趋势。大蒜的出口竞争力是用名义保护系数来衡量的,第一阶段的值为1.70,第二阶段的值为1.60,整个时期的值为1.65,表明印度大蒜在国际市场上的所有时期都没有竞争力。结论:该研究主要基于从各种已发表来源收集的二手数据。二手数据固有的局限性是不可避免的。通过适当的努力,增加大蒜的出口份额很重要。政府的市场支持对于支持农民免受价格大幅波动的影响并激励他们生产优质大蒜是必要的。

