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对资源圃保存的212份大蒜种质资源的表型性状进行了系统鉴定,分析表明我国大蒜种质资源的表型变异丰富,提出了21个数量性状的5级分级标准。主成分分析表明,29个性状可以归并为反映植株生长发育、产品特征和产量构成的8个主成分;进一步的聚类分析将所有资源分为特点明显的两类五亚类。为了避免质量性状在种质评价中的主导作用,对与产量相关的鳞茎数量性状的主成分分析显示,前三个主成分累积贡献率达74.83%,第一主成分中鳞茎重、鳞茎直径、鳞茎高?和鳞芽数是影响产量的主要因子。主坐标排序将所有资源分为6类。通过综合评价,将大蒜鳞茎产量分为6个级别,筛选出单产大于15×103 kg ha-1的资源3份。


In this study, phenotypic diversity and classification of 212 aceessions of garlic germplasm in China were studied based on morphological traits by methods of clustering, principal component analysis, and correlation analysis. The results showed that the garlic germplasm in China presented a wide diversity from all traits. The five-grade classification method for each quantitative trait was brought forward. The results of clustering and principle component analysis indicated that clustering factors were mainly from qualitative traits. To avoid the overrating effect from qualitative traits, eight important quantitative traits related to bulb yield were evaluated. Principal component analysis showed the cumulative contribution proportion of the first three components was up to 74.83% and three traits (bulb weight, bulb diameter and clove number) were included in the first components which could be the most important traits affecting bulb yield. Correlation analysis suggested that bulb yield was significantly related with seven of eight characteristics except clove back width, and the most highly related with bulb diameter and bulb weight. All accessions of garlic germplasm were divided into 6 groups according to yield and the analysis of principal coordinates. Moreover, three accessions yielded above 15×103 kg ha-1 were selected out.

