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Life and Death are Wearing Me Out 生死疲劳 英文原版



Life and Death are Wearing Me Out 生死疲劳 英文原版

Mo Yan

Today’s most revered, feared, and controversial Chinese novelist offers a tour de force in which the real, the absurd, the comical, and the tragic are blended into a fascinating read. The hero—or antihero—of Mo Yan’s new novel is Ximen Nao, a landowner known for his benevolence to his peasants. His story is a deliriously unique journey and absolutely riveting tale that reveals the author’s love of a homeland beset by ills inevitable, political, and traditional.  “动物之眼”看农民与土地关系变迁,讲述50年乡村史。《生死疲劳》叙述了1950年到2000年中国农村50年的历史,围绕土地这个沉重的话题,阐释了农民与土地的种种关系,并透过生死轮回的艺术图像,展示了新中国成立以来中国农民的生活和他们顽强、乐观、坚韧的精神。小说的叙述者,是土地改革时被枪毙的一个地主,他认为自己虽有财富,并无罪恶,因此在阴间里他为自己喊冤。在小说中他不断地经历着六道轮回,一世为人、一世为马、一世为牛、一世为驴……每次转世为不同的动物,都未离开他的家族,离开这块土地。小说正是通过他的眼睛,准确说,是各种动物的眼睛来观察和体味农村的变革。莫言怀抱华美颓败的土地,决意对半个世纪的土地做出重述。莫言郑重地将土地放在记忆的丰碑前,看着它在历史中渐渐荒废并确认它在荒废中重新获得庄严、熔铸、锋利。



Today’s most revered, feared, and controversial Chinese novelist offers a tour de force in which the real, the absurd, the comical, and the tragic are blended into a fascinating read. The hero—or antihero—of Mo Yan’s new novel is Ximen Nao, a landowner known for his benevolence to his peasants. His story is a deliriously unique journey and absolutely riveting tale that reveals the author’s love of a homeland beset by ills inevitable, political, and traditional.  “动物之眼”看农民与土地关系变迁,讲述50年乡村史。《生死疲劳》叙述了1950年到2000年中国农村50年的历史,围绕土地这个沉重的话题,阐释了农民与土地的种种关系,并透过生死轮回的艺术图像,展示了新中国成立以来中国农民的生活和他们顽强、乐观、坚韧的精神。小说的叙述者,是土地改革时被枪毙的一个地主,他认为自己虽有财富,并无罪恶,因此在阴间里他为自己喊冤。在小说中他不断地经历着六道轮回,一世为人、一世为马、一世为牛、一世为驴……每次转世为不同的动物,都未离开他的家族,离开这块土地。小说正是通过他的眼睛,准确说,是各种动物的眼睛来观察和体味农村的变革。莫言怀抱华美颓败的土地,决意对半个世纪的土地做出重述。莫言郑重地将土地放在记忆的丰碑前,看着它在历史中渐渐荒废并确认它在荒废中重新获得庄严、熔铸、锋利。


出版社W.W. Norton & Co.
