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  月亮和六便士英文读后感 篇1

  Mid-Autumn festival after two days of vacation for three days, the moon and sixpence finished maugham, the moon and sixpence of maugham's journal entry. First shows the book doesn't have anything to do with the moon or p at all, as I read at night, should be a time of the month circle person circle, sky and surrounded by empty.

  The plot of the story is more complex, a British stock exchange's agent, the existing stable career and position, a happy family, is more than the middle, but infatuation with painting, like "was the devil body," suddenly leave home, to Paris to pursue the ideal of painting. He is in a foreign country is not only the body endure poverty and hunger, spirit also endure suffering. After some bizarre story, the hero, the last to leave the civilized world isolated from to Tahiti. He finally find the soul of the atmosphere of peace and is suitable for their own artistic temperament. He same native women live together, to create a picture and a picture of a shock to the later work. Before he contracted leprosy blind in their own home four murals performance a great work of the garden of Eden. But before death, he has ordered the indigenous women put the painting after his death.

  The wonderful degree is far from the author of this story the story itself. A dream, abandon all family wife and children work, to pursue the dream. Such people, especially the Strickland in the story, is selfish, irresponsible, escape dare not face reality, and even some cold-blooded and secular values absolutely against the alien society, gave his all chains, he wants to get rid of society to find their own way of life, even if it is to endure hunger and tortured by suffering, complaint or regret. So let a person feel hate, because if everyone like Strickland, the society or thoroughly mixed, or communism is realized. But such a person to let a person admire, envy, even he is strong, have the courage and perseverance. No matter what the end result is, he can find his or her own dream or live in the dream world, he has been a success. Do your own dream, let others say! Maugham, in the process of storytelling from the perspective of all kinds of people, occasionally some of his comments, will her incisively and vividly. His pen as the knife, carving out the phenomenon of rich and vivid.

  The story of the some of the cool, then it seems to me is the flavor of the fairy tale. Strickland is lonely, "we each life in the world is lonely. Everyone was jailed in a tower, can only rely on symbols to convey their ideas with others; and the value of these symbols is not common, so their meaning is vague and uncertain. We are very poor to send his wealth in the heart to others, but they didn't accept the wealth ability. So we can only walk alone, though the body next to each other but not together, doesn't know someone else and not for others to know, we like to live in a foreign country, for the language of the country know very little, even though we have all kinds of wonderful, esoteric things to say, but only limited to the session on the manual on the banal words. Our mind is full of all kinds of thoughts, and we can say is just like a 'gardener aunt has an umbrella in the house' this kind of words." His this kind of loneliness is illusion, illusion cannot touch. Some detached attitude, his life can't imagine a realistic social life in the more than 40 years, live a "normal" life, can give up everything overnight. He reflected his sense of values to the evaluation of love: "I don't need to love. I have no time to make love. This is the weakness of human nature. I am a man, sometimes I need a woman. But once I got the lust of the meet, I'm going to do something else. I can not overcome their own desires, I hate it, it held my spirit. I hope to one day in the future, I will no longer controlled by the desire, no longer subject to any block up the whole heart into my work. Because women in addition to love won't do anything, so they leave love see very important, almost to the point of ridiculous. They also want to persuade us, that we also believe that the person's whole life is love. In fact part of love is trivial in life. I only know lust. This is normal, healthy. Love is a kind of disease. The woman is a tool for my pleasure, I proposed to them what career assistant, these requirements are very hate life partner."

  These words the eccentric, such as a heresy. "Sexual hunger on strickland's position is very small, is not very important, or rather, let him feel aversion. His soul is another thing. Sometimes desire seize him, drove him indulge4 themselves, but for the deprived him quiet self sustaining instinct he is very tired, he even dislike him the indispensable partner in the ministries, indulgence, after him to control his, see the lust to vent his woman, he even with a shudder. His thoughts at this time will quietly floating over nine days, and for the woman felt disgust and terrible, maybe it felt like a fluttering and dancing in the flowers of the butterfly, it successfully shedding body out of the dirty puparium." So that he can throw his wife, when he met the second woman has lost.

  He is out of step, finding neverland, "I think some people are born at a certain place may say it is not. Chance casually throwing them into an environment, and they have been thinking of a themselves don't know where is located in the hometown. Born in place; they seem to be a passer-by since childhood is very familiar with the shade of green alley, with the friend of the populous JieQu game, for they are a night stand for the trip. The people in his family and friends may lifetime and widowhood, also in their only familiar environment away always be alone. Maybe it was in May this strangeness to force them to travel, looking for a permanent resident of the apartment. Maybe still concealed in their deep heart how many generations ago ancestors habits and hobbies, called back to those who wanders had left the land of their ancestors in ancient. Sometimes a person accidentally came to a place, will feel this is mysteriously his shelter, is home to he has been looking for. So he in these never specially scenery, never met the crowd to settle down, but everything here is familiarity since he was a child. He finally found the peace here."

  The novel, to the pursuit of spiritual freedom, but have no strength to practice, or comfort or hit, in short what can be harvested.

  Finally, the origin of the title. According to the explanation of the translator, the moon, on high, such as the ideal; P, is the smallest currency unit, as reality. Reality and ideal conflict, is the eternal theme in humans.

  月亮和六便士英文读后感 篇2

  I remember that night, holding the Moon and Sixpence, and looking out the window at a bright full moon, I thought, is it worth pursuing such a moon?

  "The Moon and Sixpence" is a story that seems close to madness to ordinary people. A middle—aged successful banker abandoned his wife and daughter to pursue his dream of being a painter. But he didn't want to be famous, he just wanted to paint, and he ended up burning all his pictures.

  Why is he doing this? He could live very well, very well, and live on sixpence, because the moon in his heart, has been guiding him forward, the moon should be pure, she also wanted to be like the moon, so he raised his head. He began to pursue his dream of being a painter, was stigmatized, abandoned his wife and children, he ignored. It takes a lot of courage.

  But few people in reality have the courage to pursue their dreams like this banker. Dream, just like the bright moon is out of reach, someone wants to fly into space, but when he sees the tedious astronaut training, he lowers his head to pick up the sixpence; There is a man who wants to make a name for himself, and when he sees the dull and difficult facts in a book, he looks down and picks up the sixpence; A man wanted to be a doctor, but when he saw the doctor's hard work, he looked down and picked up sixpence. I think six is to refer to the ordinary and vulgar people, those people saw the moon, but flinch, in the heart want to do a vulgar people how? They live in such an ordinary way, but, no dream of life is meaningful?

  The pursuit of courage is valuable, so successful people are few and far between. But courage is not enough, you also have to have wisdom, morality, and a pair of eyes to see through the world. A banker is one of those people who, like the Buddhists, pursue only his dream and drive out all other distractions. There are many temptations, fame, money, success in the eyes of others. Even fewer people put distractions and temptations to the back of their minds.

  Therefore, those who pursue their dreams are happy people; Truly pursue the dream of the people is qinghuan; He who gets his dreams is the successful one.

  People in the world have different spiritual levels, but everyone has different pursuit, I hope that everyone in the world can live a successful life in their heart.

  月亮和六便士英文读后感 篇3

  Repeatedly picked up repeatedly put down, knock knock drag drag, finally read the friend recommended this book, good book! Ground was bowed their heads and can be picked up six pence, he -- strickland, stubborn aloof to like looking up at the round moon stands on a tall dark obelisk, between heaven and earth picked up six pence whether see or didn't see it all have to toward the obelisk bow bend over, whether it's a bad respect and admire or unconscious behavior, They all made obeisance to him.

  Isn't that funny? Heaven loved Strickland and filled him with passion and talent; heaven hated him and brought him untold suffering. I've been thinking about a sentence recently: "Everyone, all his life, lives in his own prison. Forbearance is a line, energy is a line, the Angle between forbearance and energy is our living space.

  The place where your eyes fall is the wall of your prison in this life!" If that were true of Strickland, he was free. There were no walls around strickland, for his eyes were on the moon. However, he also paid a high price for this freedom, abandoning his wife and children, his privileged life and stable future. But, on the other hand, they seemed to Strickland nothing at all. Compared with his dreams, they were trivial and dull.

  As for me, I admire him and admire him, because what he does I long for but I can't do it. When making decisions in everyone's mind, material life and the pursuit of ideals all hold different weights. No matter what kind of decision we make, we have no way and no right to stand on our own point of view to make evaluation. If there is a judgment, let it be given to time, to history, to posterity. Now we, the most need to do, is to do the real yourself! I want sixpence, but I also want the moon.

  There was no mine in my house, and I knew I was worth a pound, so I had to pick up my sixpence and survive. Only if I live can I have a chance to look up at the bright moon that only belongs to me. Because, I know, in my heart there is a mine, is burning day and night! Raise a glass to ask the moon, drunk to see the world, dance shadow wandering; Looking out of the sky, the fog disperses the cloud to open, holds the moon into the bosom!

  月亮和六便士英文读后感 篇4

  This book has always been recommended by a book friend. I read it once before, but I only read the first few chapters, probably because it was too slow to enter the story and I didn't understand the literature in front, so I abandoned the book! Many people recommended it later, so I read it patiently again and fell in love with the book as I slowly entered the story. First of all, I really appreciate the translator, who has such a strong language foundation, and it's really great!

  Story from what I see, hear and feel to describe the "genius of the lunatic" painter Strickland, his verbal chan may be "get lost" "you and I have no twopence" "I don't care!" He selfish, poor communication, he doesn't care about anyone, he doesn't even care about himself, he can be indifferent to abandon the eyes of others "wife" "for the lovely children, can in order to their own lusts and his rescuer wife seduce, can also be for the sake of money and love, in his mind, as long as painting, other hairy relationship with me, He lives in his own world, just like the article said: he may be possessed by evil spirits, he only wants to achieve the goal, his own behavior is estimated that he is not clear! He is in the pursuit of "moon beauty" on the road, go too extreme is also very hard!

  The article also tells the stories of people around him, such as the unbelievably kind but sympathetic Strove, who says he respects genius rather than being nice to everyone. Is such central air conditioning really good? I think people should have their own bottom line, their own principles, blindly good may not be recognized by others, but also be despised by others! The love his wife to a moth, abandoned the eyes of others "safe", the pursuit of the so-called "moon" in the heart, have no who to who wrong, remembered that resulted from a set of questions is "when you are married, met you this life love, what do you do", everyone choose different, whose behavior, we can't go to evaluate because we're not story! In fact, TO tell the truth, I quite envy that captain. I forget what his name is. He and his wife created their own happiness with both hands.

  In fact, we are all artists, but some people express the way of art, and some people express the way of life! Whether it is the moon, or sixpence everywhere, I feel very meaningful! As long as it is created by their own hands, as long as it is obtained by their own efforts, I think it is meaningful and valuable! But I think no matter which road you choose, stay true to your original aspiration and you will always be the best! To maintain a good heart, but can not have no bottom line without principles!

  月亮和六便士英文读后感 篇5

  Maugham explores the contradiction and interaction between life and art in his novels. The escapist themes revealed in the novel, which coincided with the aspirations of many in the West, became popular fiction in the 20th century.

  "Maugham's Gauguin-inspired novel the Moon and Sixpence is undoubtedly more fiction than fact." "Over the next decade gauguin thought he would finally be able to enjoy the fruits of his success and bring the family together." High contrast fiction and reality can be found, more the pursuit of painting has its causal relationship and the process of development, and the departure of strickland is very abrupt and too intense, combined with the author use the fictional plot and narrative skills, has shaped an unkind world and out-of-touch so-called pure sense of the artist. Compared with Gauguin's departure, the protagonist Strickland's departure does not conform to the logic of reality at all, and is even more incomprehensible to readers. There is a deeper reason for Maugham's writing. That is, the virtual satisfaction of Maugham's self-desire.

  The sixpence was the smallest unit of money in England at the time. A friend had joked to Maugham that when looking at the moon people often forgot their sixpence under their feet. Maugham thought this was funny and got the title, even in a joking way. The moon represents lofty ideals, and the sixpence represents reality.

  月亮和六便士英文读后感 篇6

  In this summer vacation, I read the Moon and sixpence, one of The representative works by William Maugham.

  Creation background of the book is the beginning of the 20th century Britain, the protagonist, terry was originally a securities broker, living condition is superior, has a happy family, can overnight, he made the resignation went to Paris, lived in the old attics, finally abandoned their for drawing everything, no matter how to persuade others, he is still a maniac, In spite of this, he was criticized in various ways, but this did not make him give up painting. In the end, although he did not achieve professional success, in my opinion, he gained spiritual wealth.

  A lot of people may think that such a person is not a mental problem, do not want to live a rich and luxurious life but alone in a lonely and poor day, such a person how to succeed? But Strei's perseverance carried him further and further, and even his posthumous paintings were worth a fortune.

  At the end of his life, He asked his wife to burn his murals. It may seem a pity to the reader that his years of work were destroyed, but I think he lived a life full of satisfaction. He knew the joy of painting, and he cared about the process rather than the result. As the famous translator Fu Weici said, there were sixpence everywhere, but only he saw the moon.

  In our real world, many people are in the ideal and the reality constantly to choose, just as the title, the moon represents the high-minded ideal and six pence is a small fraction, perhaps most people think that how can high ideals in life and six pence, but this is the case, want to pursue their own ideal have to sacrifice, For example, we are learning now, if only for pleasure, the future can only keep running for sixpence, if you study hard now, the future will have a greater opportunity to find their own moon.

  The journey of life is very long and short, and everyone has their own future to pursue their own goals. This book tells us: What matters is not what you are pursuing. It's important to know what you're looking for and what you're getting out of it.

  月亮和六便士英文读后感 篇7

  How to choose between six pence on the ground and the moon in the sky?

  When we look down and pick up a sixpence, we may have material possessions, but we miss the opportunity to see the most beautiful moon. We looked up at the moon and painted it in its unique shade. Perhaps the painting is worth ten thousand times as much as six pence!

  The differences between people are real. Some choose moonlight, some choose sixpence, and those who choose to see it, are blessed by God. For many people, there was no conflict between the moon and sixpence, but a difference in order.

  The world, you can not imagine the cruelty and despair, but you have not encountered it. Respect every group and every way of life. What they go through inside you may never understand. You may be able to force others to act, but you can't force others to think forever! Please be kind, because you don't know what others are going through. Don't judge, because everyone has their own way of life. There is no need to pander or change, for existence is its diversity. Qianjiang water education qianjiang month, qianjiang month is not also the full month.

  There is no standard answer in life, just solving the equation of the goal you set.

  Do a sentient beings have desires, know the warmth, understand the advance and retreat of ordinary people, good. For the rest of my life, please share yourself with friends! It's nice!

  月亮和六便士英文读后感 篇8

  The book tells the story of a British stock exchange agent, in the eyes of the world with the "iron rice bowl", happy family, live very comfortable, but he was crazy to have a crush on painting, dropped all abandon the family, and to Paris alone to pursue his ideal, he was in Paris small attic endured the pain and suffering, poverty, hunger and disease, Were it not for the support of a friend, he may not walk out the attic, he fled after the tortuous, came to a distant island - Tahiti, the island was almost isolated, he finally found his inspiration, the source of the life and soul fit, he is here to create a picture and a pair of the great epic, but life has not let him, He contracted leprosy on the island, unfortunately died here, but his creation on the island is valuable, a masterpiece of great value.

  After reading this book, I don't think finally understand the sentence "others laugh at me too crazy, I laugh others see don't wear", there's only one thing in his mind, he seems to be born with the mission of "god", this is something must be done, for the sake of it he is willing to throw up, give up become the eyes of others envy of life, but he thinks he is doing the right thing, He thought he lived to find the truth, and the truth was within him. Just like the same thing in our life, you see one side of it differently from the other, so would you say it's the other person's fault? In fact, otherwise, there is no absolute, others just see you do not see the side. Meanness and greatness, malice and goodness, hatred and love are mutually exclusive and can exist in the same body.

  The moon and sixpence, ideal and reality, if you look up and see the moon, lower your head is sixpence; If you had only one choice, would you rather be a crazy genius or an ordinary person who spends his or her entire life trying to realize his or her worth?







月亮和六便士读书笔记 15篇03-05




